One-dimensional Fermi polaron in a combined harmonic and periodic potential
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منابع مشابه
Josephson oscillation of a superfluid Fermi gas
Using the complete numerical solution of a time-dependent three-dimensional mean-field model we study the Josephson oscillation of a superfluid Fermi gas (SFG) at zero temperature formed in a combined axially-symmetric harmonic plus one-dimensional periodic optical-lattice (OL) potentials after displacing the harmonic trap along the axial OL axis. We study the dependence of Josephson frequency ...
متن کاملآرام کردن مایع فرمی: جدال با علامتهای فرمیونی غیر مستقیم
The fermion sign problem is studied in the path integral formalism. The standard picture of Fermi liquids is first critically analyzed, pointing out some of its rather peculiar properties. The insightful work of Ceperley in constructing fermionic path integrals in terms of constrained world-lines is then reviewed. In this representation, the minus signs associated with Fermi-Dirac statistics a...
متن کاملPolaron-to-polaron transitions in the radio-frequency spectrum of a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gas.
We measure radio-frequency spectra for a two-component mixture of a 6Li atomic Fermi gas in a quasi-two-dimensional regime with the Fermi energy comparable to the energy level spacing in the tightly confining potential. Near the Feshbach resonance, we find that the observed resonances do not correspond to transitions between confinement-induced dimers. The spectral shifts can be fit by assuming...
متن کاملA unified theoretical harmonic analysis approach to the cyclic wavelet transform (CWT) for periodic signals of prime dimensions
The article introduces cyclic dilation groups and finite affine groups for prime integers, and as an application of this theory it presents a unified group theoretical approach for the cyclic wavelet transform (CWT) of prime dimensional periodic signals.
متن کاملSupplemental Material: “Polaron-to-polaron transitions in the radio-frequency spectrum of a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gas”
In this supplemental material, we discuss the calculation of the radio-frequency spectra arising from confinement-induced dimers and polarons in a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gas. We determine the dimer binding energies, including both the tight axial confinement and the nonzero transverse confinement. We provide the probabilities for dimer-to-dimer transitions and the shape of the dimerto-scat...
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